Discover a comprehensive solution to finding the best deals across various retail chains with Love Sales, a dynamic application designed to elevate your shopping experience in Ukraine by granting you access to the latest promotions and discounts. You can navigate through an array of categories such as groceries, cosmetics, electronics, pharmacies, construction materials, and online stores; all tailored to help you save on your daily purchases.
Stay updated with the most recent offers from leading stores like Auchan, Metro, ATB Market, Silpo, Eldorado, Comfy, and many others. An intuitive interface allows for customization of your start screen for quick access to current promotions, favorite stores, and supermarketing lists. If a store doesn't resonate with you or isn't within your vicinity, effortlessly hide it from your view.
One standout feature is the ability to save the pages of promotional catalogs directly within it, enabling offline access anytime, anywhere. Convenience is also found in the digitalization of bonus cards, eliminating the need to carry physical cards, and the option to curate your shopping list while browsing the catalogs.
This platform encompasses a wide variety of market segments, ensuring the best prices not only in the grocery category from supermarkets like Silpo, Metro, and ATB Market but also in health and beauty stores such as Watsons and Cosmo, to name a few. For those seeking products intended for home improvements and electronics, the game covers stores like Epicenter, Comfy, and Eldorado.
Your gateway to discovering top-value items across multiple cities, including Kyiv, Lviv, and Odesa, is right here. Take note that while diligent effort is made to present accurate promotions, retail chains may have differing product availability. Prepare for a rewarding shopping experience with Love Sales, where desirable deals are at your fingertips.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
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